Monday, August 6, 2012

Motivation to HABIT

Feel like its hard to get motivated?

Trust me, I agree! They say, on average, it takes roughly 28 days for an action to form into a habit. Thats it??? Only 28 days? Well now we know what to do to make fitness a LIFESTYLE habit! Follow my 6 steps to help you turn motivation into a HABIT!

1. Make a plan of action! 
Pick a date (preferably a close one) and MAKE yourself workout
  && eat clean consistently for 28 days.

2. Set a goal.
* by setting goals, it motivates us to want to get to that specific goal!
* i.e. "I want to lose 8 lbs in these next 30 days!" --> something reasonable people!

* you must plan ahead!
 __ Set a time to workout the day before. That way, there is no excuses. 
You must get your gym seshhh in.
__ plan your meals ahead of time. Pack an apple and a protein/meal replacement mix to
 go if necessary. That way there is no excuse to stop and eat fast food. 

4. Tricks to finding MOTIVATION
Everyone has their own tricks to staying motivated. here my ways:
* surround yourself with positive, like- minded people
* download an intense music playlist  --> click here for my playlist :)
* look up motivating icons/quotes && LIVE by them
* WORKOUT PARTNER! find one if you can. you dont want to let
 someone else down now do ya ;)

5. Still no motivation? Get in your car && head to the gym NOW.
They always say, half the battle is getting there. Once you walk in those doors,
 there is no excuse not to workout now ;)

finishing this blog off with the easiest science ever. If you continue this routine for 28 days, 
it should be easier to stick to a healthier, fitter, YOU for life. 

you can thank me later :)

Celeste Jo

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