Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Coffee Mocha Vi-Latte
* 2 scoops of Visalus Shake mix
* 1 1/2 cup of almond milk (unsweetened)
* 1 tsp instant coffee
* 1 tsp Folgers Cappuccino
* 1 tsp (natural unsweetened) Cocoa
* 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
blend and pour over ice.

Sex on the Beach!

Apple Pie Vi Shake
 * 8 oz. Almond milk (unsweetened)
* 2 scoops Visalus shake mix,
*  3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce,
* 1 tsp. cinnamon,
* 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
*  4 ice cubes.
 Blend well in blender.

Banana Cream Vi-Smoothie 
* 8 0z. Almond Milk (unsweetened)
*1/2 banana
*2 scoops Visalus shake mix
* 4 ice cubes.
Blend well in blender

BUTTERFINGER (personal fave)
* 8 oz (unsweetened) Almond Milk
* 2 scoops of Visalus Shake Mix
* 2 tsbp of Sugar Free Butterscotch pudding mix
* 2 tsbp PB2 instead or Natural Peanut Butter
* 4 ice cubes
Blend well & taste the magic :)

Dreamy Pineapple Orange Vi- Smoothie
* 8 oz. (50 calorie) Orange juice
* 2 scoops of Visalus Shake Mix
* 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
* 6 ice cubes
Blend well :)

Chocolate Covered Strawberries Vi-Shake
* 8 oz. Almond Milk (unsweetened)
* 2 scoops Visalus Shake Mix
* 5 strawberries (raw or frozen)
* 1 chocolate Vi flavor pack or 1 tsbp sugar free choc syrup
* 4 ice cubes. 
Blend well :)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Vi- Shake
* 8 oz. Almond Milk (unsweetened)
* 2 scoops Visalus Shake Mix
* 2 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter or PB2
* 1 tbsp Sugar Free chocolate syrup
* 4 ice cubes

Pina Colada Vi-Shake
* 6 oz. Almond Milk (unsweetened)
* 2 scoops Visalus Shake Mix
* 2 tbsp sugar free Vanilla pudding mix
*1/4 c. frozen or canned pineapple
*dash Coconut flavoring
* 4 ice cubes
Blend well in blender.

Green Monster (sounds scary, but tastes amazing!)
* 8 oz. Almond Milk (unsweetened)
* 2 scoops Visalus Shake Mix
* 2 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter or PB2
* 1 tbsp Sugar Free choc syrup
* 1/2 banana
* 1 cup SPINACH (so good for your body!)
* 4 ice cubes
Blend and enjoy this tasty green shake!